I have another blog. It is called The Cabins of Wilsonia, because that is the title of a book I wrote/designed/drew/published in 2014. Here is the link to the blog, and it will open in another tab. (Thank you, Sharon!)
While I was working on the book from 2011 until it was completed in 2014, I regularly posted about the process and progress. Then the website stopped working, as tech is wont to do. (Isn’t “wont” a weird word??)
After a few years of ignoring the site, it got repaired, but I didn’t have much to say. The book was published, and I stopped spending time in Wilsonia. (I have my own place in Mineral King, and my husband actually likes me and wants me to be with him there.)
Then I had a chance encounter with some Wilsonia folks, so unexpected and delightful that I felt compelled to write about it. Hint: it happened on the Mineral King Road. (You can read about it here.)
After that, the ideas and words began flowing again. I don’t know how long this little writing spurt will last, but you are welcome to visit my other blog and even subscribe. (I promise it won’t be five days a week of posting.)
P.S. The Cabins of Wilsonia is available for sale here. It used to be $80 and is now $50, because book prices are wont to price drops several years after publication.
P.P.P.S. Your Central California artist is wont to sometimes obsess about words.
“Open in new link” (you’re welcome!).
It’s never wrong to use a new vocabulary word as often as you can so as to burn it in your memory. And it makes sense that a blogger would wont to find and use (over-use?) new words!
I don’t think I’ve ever chatted with another driver who accepts the challenge of the Mineral King Road. But having a personalized plate can open up all sorts of fun conversations. Mine is SD MUSIC. Most common question? “What does ‘SD’ stand for?” I am wont to give my most common answer: “‘Super Duper’ of course!”
SD, I am wont to think of you as my Number One Blog Reader.
An honor I am wont not only to accept, but to relish!
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