Day four of painting in church was a short day. It was time to finish, and I vacillated between “Oh no, how will I get this done?” and “Piece of cake!”
The boulders got shrunk a final time, and 2 more were added as the finisher to the right side. I added some dirt on the right, put some more light on the giant Sequoia, added a corn lily (AKA “skunk cabbage”) and wished I could detail the thing to the point of recognizable wildflowers, maybe a bear in the distance, a few distant boulders, on and on and on.
Get real, Toots.
It was time to sign, which is a mental The End for me. My brush was all splayed and I couldn’t control the line of my writing. . . it was fat and double and sometimes triple.
I painted out the beginning signature and made a plan: sit in church for a month or two of Sundays and take notes, ask people questions, and listen to all suggestions. Take more notes.
Then, return for the finalization and bring a good brush for signing.
The End.
Jana, I loved scrolling down and seeing all the posts of your church and the mural you did there. Beautiful job! So wonderful you could contribute to your church — and the Lord! — in this way. Just giving back to Him, right?
Thank you, Cheryl! I still am not sure about the whole thing – is it finished? Does it need something else? Should I have said yes to such a visible project in the front of the church? More will be revealed in the fullness of time. . .
Sweet …
Thanks, Diane. . . I find it a little uncomfortable, until everyone gets used to it and stops noticing!
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