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Drawing a Pennsylvania Dog in Pencil

Pencil Pennsylvanian? Pennsyl Pennsylvanian? Pencil Pencilvanian?

Never mind.

His name was Elvis, and some friends of his former owner commissioned me to draw him.

Almost done

All those inferior progress photos were taken with an inferior phone camera. Here is the finished drawing, scanned, photoshopped, ready for delivery.

Elvis in pencil


  1. I don’t know the dog, of course, but he looks “spot on.” You can see his love and patient character. Wonderful work!

    • Thank you, Donna! I was pretty happy with this drawing, in spite of it being a dog instead of a cat.

  2. Awe, dear Elvis! What a sweet drawing!

    This may open a whole new career for the Central California Artist, unless animals are more difficult to draw, which I would think they would be, along with people, because of all the detail, but what do I know, I’m only an audio artist not a visual artist, but I do recognize a run-on sentence when I see one!

    • Sharon, drawing pets is usually what beginning artists choose to do. I am happy to draw pets for people who request it, but I will leave that as a main subject for those starting out (and my Very Experienced Artist Friend Nadi, who makes her living painting dog portraits, using FaceBook as her website, which comes with a zillion of its own obstacles.)

  3. What a wonderful way to honor “ furry Elvis”.

    Your pencil drawings are amazing.

    • Thank you, Anne. I love to draw with pencils.

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