Besides loving to draw, it makes me happy to help other people learn to draw. A friend named Anne Brown has been asking me for many years to give a workshop up here, and since she offered to host it and for whatever reason I now have some time, (OH, because Iām not preparing for a solo show since I still have paintings from the last solo show, phooey but yea), we scheduled this drawing workshop.

This sounds like so much fun! I wish I could be there!
Me too, Michelle!
I could use this lesson! My drawing skills are sadly lacking but, like with the piano, it’s one of the creative arts I wish I was good at. I suppose if I want to learn how to draw…I actually need to try drawing. Alas and alack you live too far away for me to attend, but I’m adding art lessons to my bucket list!
Elisabeth, if you ever find yourself in Central California (I live at the entrance to Sequoia National Park), I will happily give you a private drawing lesson. š
Noted. <3