The sunset painting was a big challenge: mixing colors that I don’t normally use, brightening colors from the provided photos, rearranging things from the photos, and because of the precision required, drawing with my paintbrush.
Someday I may finally accept that drawing with my paintbrush is My Style, in spite of the Art World looking down its nose at this way of painting. But I digress. The point is that a customer requested a certain painting from me because he likes my style, and I have done my best to deliver.

Where was I? Got caught up in that Artworld thing, feeling like a fake artist. Will that insecurity ever subside??
Drying now.
As usual, it will be better in a scan, but still not as good as real life. Disclaim, disclaim, disclaim.
I loved working on this painting! Commissioned work is very gratifying, and it helps balance out the rude critic in my head.