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He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. . . Matthew 28:6

I don’t know what the word “Easter” actually means or where it came from, but the words in the quote above are exactly what it means to me.

Thanks for stopping by today. May your Easter be full of meaning for you.


  1. Actually, “Easter” has secular origins (look up Ishtar some day), so I prefer to call yesterday “Resurrection Sunday.” Easter promises colored eggs, plastic grass, and chocolate bunnies; but the Resurrection of Jesus Christ promises eternal bliss for all who will believe in a glorious heaven praising a holy God forever. He is risen indeed!

    • Sharon, I find it so interesting that the names of the 2 most important Christian holy days have secular origins. Thank you for the info!

      • Yes, Christmas and Easter both have secular origins. I guess that’s one way the Enemy downplays the real meaning of those holidays (“Holy Days”) with Santa Claus, candy canes, and reindeer; then chocolates, hard boiled eggs, and baskets. Whatever it takes to get the focus off Christ’s birth and resurrection!

  2. Happy Easter to you and Michael! Such a great way to start our day, reading your post! The beautiful flower was a perfect compliment to the promise of Matt. 28:6!!

    God Bless You Both!

    • Thank you, Anonymous! It’s good to know that my post was a blessing to you.

  3. Happy Easter Jana!!!

    • And to you, Melissa!

  4. Per Ungers Bible Dictionary, Easter the word, was of Saxon origin honoring Eastra their goddess of spring. This was also the same time as Passover. By the 8th century the Saxons adopted the name to designate the celebration of Christs resurrection:)

    • Melissa, isn’t it weird that Christians adopted a heathen word for our most sacred day?? Thank you for looking that up. I think of it as Resurrection Sunday all the more now.

  5. Beautiful post, Happy Easter to you both too.

    • And Happy Easter to you, Virginia! Thank you for your kind words.

  6. Our hearts celebrate together on this glorious Easter day!

  7. Happy Easter!

    • And to you, Anne!

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