Eight WHAT on the easels?
So glad you asked! Eight oil paintings of Mineral King are on my easels. Sometimes they are on a table, sometimes they are in my hands while I paint.
After putting a base coat on the canvases to bury the white, I painted skies on all eight.

Three are the same scene, the most popular Mineral King subject of the Crowley family cabin in front of Farewell Gap. And now that the skies are in and I am seeing it on the computer, it is apparent that West Florence peak (the left side of Farewell Gap) on the 10×10″ painting isn’t high enough. That will be an easy fix.
Are you counting and recounting and wondering if I have forgotten basic arithmetic?
Here are the other two. I started them awhile ago but set them aside to paint some redwood trees.

Here are the redwood trees, in case you have forgotten. Or maybe you needed a reminder that Sequoia gigantea is the same as redwood. (We also call them The Big Trees around here in basic low-brow Tulare County type language.)

I wanted to show off my Sequoia gigantea paintings. Just a little. It might be called “marketing” or “advertising”, possibly even “bragging”.
Ah, Mineral King: my favorite subject of your paintings (well, duh!).
That last Big Tree looks like it has a serious cellulite issue!
And all of the above: marketing, advertising, and bragging. And maybe just informing!
Thank you, Sharon —”informing” sounds exactly right!
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