Warm sunny fall days in Mineral King . . . a transitional time, torn between 2 places. I could be gardening at home, but I can still be hiking in Mineral King. I’ve been gone much of the summer, I miss home, but the cabin is still open and it is nice up there.
Choices and consequences, decisions, saying yes to one thing means saying no to a whole bunch of others.
We were up the hill last weekend and these are some fall sights.
Lots of wood, but not enough is split. We have more fires in the stove in the fall and sugar pine burns up quickly.Fortunately, it splits easily.Alrighty, then, let’s go for a walk. (Not a hike – used too much energy swinging an ax? Nah, just lazy.)
I helped Trail Guy close up a neighbor’s cabin – such solid shutters.The water in the east fork of the Kaweah seems just as low as it did in the falls of drought years.Very heavy currant crop this yearA neighboring cabin isn’t quite closed for the season, but has that “almost over” look.Tall grasses and a more yellowish coloring on things say “Fall”.The cottonwoods are turning.I love this tunnel of yellow.Very low flow of water at Soda Springs, tall grasses, that golden look over all. . .Pink?? What is this? Dried out something-or-others. Definitely not golden.Just three months ago it was too scary to cross this stream (Crystal Creek).A stock party lost a bag of grain along the trail.A hiker lost his group, and Sierra the Trailhead Ranger is on her way to escort him back while Trail Guy demonstrates the path that we saw the search helicopter take. You can tell it is fall because he is wearing long sleeves.
You sure live in a beautiful area of the country! Thank you for sharing your autumn pictures. Makes me homesick for the Pacific Northwest. Florida palm trees are just not the same.
Hi Nance, Nice to hear from you! I continue to admire your paintings, and have been wondering if you were able to return to the Northwest. . . sounds as if that is not so. . . fall in Florida would definitely be subtle!
You sure live in a beautiful area of the country! Thank you for sharing your autumn pictures. Makes me homesick for the Pacific Northwest. Florida palm trees are just not the same.
Enjoy your day, Nance
Hi Nance, Nice to hear from you! I continue to admire your paintings, and have been wondering if you were able to return to the Northwest. . . sounds as if that is not so. . . fall in Florida would definitely be subtle!
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