What’s a “last hurrah”? In this case, it is one final look at some of the reasons that February is my favorite month in the foothills of Tulare County (the flatlands too, because the stonefruit orchards begin blooming, along with trees that line parking lots).

HURRAH FOR FEBRUARY . . . see you same time next year.
Beautiful flower pictures!!! Jana, can you tell me where the March calendar picture is?? Mac and I haven’t figured it out. Thanks
Hi Marilyn! March is White Chief.
Thank You!!!
February is one of my favorite months here, too. I think your little white flowers with their little green dots are probably snowdrops. I’ve got lots of them, too, and my first iris bloomed yesterday. Still have lots of daffodils coming, but the early season ones are pretty much shot. Plenty of flowers on the camellias, the rosemary, the fragrant daphne, and the euryops. Aren’t we lucky? Happy Spring to you! May you enjoy many more!
Thank you, Laurie! I bet your yard is beautiful. We really skate by with very little winter in Three Rivers. . . shhhh, don’t tell anyone.
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