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Fighting Fires From Three Rivers

A friend with property in the line of the current fire (Coffeepot Fire) called on Tuesday to say that fixed wing aircraft were dipping water out of Lake Kaweah. Trail Guy said, “Do you mean helicopters?”

Friend said, “No, fixed wings”.

Trail Guy told me, and I said, “Do you mean helicopters?”

He said, “No, fixed wings”.

I said, “Let’s go see!”

So, we did.

We weren’t sure where to stop around the lake and tried a few turnouts, eventually picking a road down to the water. Trail Guy felt certain they’d be dipping from closer to the inlet than the dam, and since he was driving, that’s the viewpoint we chose. (He is usually right about those types of things.)

We sat on the tailgate waiting and watching.

Almost immediately, 2 planes arrived. I circled one in red so you can pick it out here.

Almost exactly ten minutes later, they returned.

We sure do know how to have a good time around here.

P.S. This is how the fire looked from LookOut Point yesterday afternoon: 3123 acres with 915 personnel. They could have stopped it at 1 acre!!!


  1. Never trust the NPS for fighting fires. They always get out of control. Plus they get paid more if it keeps on burning. Ridiculous?

    • Melissa, it is so hard to not be cynical. I believe the Park “manages” fires and CalFire “suppresses” fires. The meeting on Monday was helpful.

  2. I bet that was so interesting to watch. but I hope those fishermen know how to duck!

    And I hope your friend’s property emerges safe and intact.

    Will you be attending the update tonight at 6:00 p.m. at the Three Rivers Memorial Building? I plan on watching. Kathy closed yesterday. (And yes, it could have been stopped on August 4. *sigh*)

    • Sharon, it was interesting! They were so quick that the fishermen might not have had time to duck. I forgot to watch to see what sort of waves resulted, but they were mostly in the inlet area rather than the main body of lake.

    • Sharon, the friend’s property is receiving water drops all around the edges, along with all sorts of brush removal.

  3. Exactly! Thousands of less acres, hundreds of less personnel in harm’s way, and I can only imagine how many millions of $ in equipment!

    • Nancy, it is hard to not get cynical, wondering if they let it go on purpose so they can spend this year’s budget in order to receive the same amount of $$$$$$$ for next year. Infuriating.

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