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    • Michelle, thank you, and welcome! Honestly, I’m rather amazed myself.

  1. Wow! A labour of love. I’m sure it’s bittersweet to be done…perhaps mostly sweet after all the time and effort.

    • Elisabeth, it was accidentally a labor of love, because I didn’t charge enough. But mostly “I work for money, not for fun, I want my money when my work is done.” It is always better to spend time drawing something difficult than to be a waitress.

  2. Cool design! Well done – I can only imagine the improvement in your anxiety level to have this finished.

    • Donna, the drawing wasn’t actually due until April, but I couldn’t wait—had to know immediately if I could do it or not.

  3. There’s a stopwatch app on your phone that you can start. But then you have to remember to stop it when you’re done for the day!

  4. Great picture! Good for you!!

    • THANK YOU, ELAINE! Excuse me for shouting. I am gobsmacked by the difficulty and thrilled with the results. Might get a fat head about it.

  5. Beautiful!

    • Thank you, Kathy! I agree. 😎

  6. Congrats! I bet you’re relieved, and I hope you’re pleased!

    People ask me all the time how long it takes for me to crochet a blanket. I tell them, “An hour here, 2 hours there, 30 minutes, 3 hours . . . who knows?” I sort of kept track once or twice, and it came out to about 60 hours for an adult afghan, and 40 hours for a baby blanket. Whew!

    • Sharon, thank you, and yes, both relieved and pleased.
      Keeping track of hours almost slows the progress. It’s hard to remember to write it down.

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