Yesterday we saw two brand new paintings on the easels, looking like they’ll never get finished. Eventually most paintings do. Layer after layer, keep studying, figuring out what to do next and how to improve it every time I pick up the brushes.
Today we will see some finished and some unfinished paintings.
This is how the bright fruit painting has settled into its new home.
This is a good showing of the progression of my colored art: First I worked in colored pencil, then I practiced mixing colors by painting many pomegranates. Now I get a real kick out of mixing all colors, combining lots of photos, and just pantsing it on the canvas.
The new fruit painting for my friend/customer is completed, signed, and moved into the house for drying.
This is in the painting workshop just before I moved it into the house. I am very happy with this one and glad I did a new painting for my friend rather than just messing with the older one by changing some of the fruits.
There are three unfinished pieces waiting for attention.
I was hoping to keep this when it is finished, but I will put it in the 2024 show and it WILL be for sale. (I can always paint another one of my favorite type of subject.)
This one has had several do-overs and a very long time-out; I’m still not convinced that I can do the subject justice but I will continue to try.
First, the wire needs to be moved. Then I will commence to draw lots of golden colored ferns.
All of these paintings started out as the same sort of vague mess as the ones we looked at yesterday. Nevuh nevuh nevuh give up.
Ruthie, I do believe you are correct! It is so satisfying when all the details are finally in place.Mom and Dad used to do the Wall St. Journal crossword together; after he died, Mom and I did it together. Melinda loves jigsaw puzzles, and we sit up late puzzling together and talking when I visit her.
It’s a puzzle. So fun to find a conclusion. Mom liked crossword puzzles. I love jigsaw puzzles. You paint/draw in puzzle layers.
Ruthie, I do believe you are correct! It is so satisfying when all the details are finally in place.Mom and Dad used to do the Wall St. Journal crossword together; after he died, Mom and I did it together. Melinda loves jigsaw puzzles, and we sit up late puzzling together and talking when I visit her.
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