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Five New Mineral King Oil Paintings

Sawtooth in the Distance II, 6×12, $145
White Chief II, 6×6″, $70
Sawtooth #59 (REALLY!), 6×6″, $70
Farewell Gap Alpenglow, 6×6″, $70
Mineral King Family Cabin, 6×6″, $70

All these paintings will eventually be for sale at the Silver City Store, unless they sell here first.


  1. Jana, if the 6”x6” of Mineral King Family Cabin is still available, I would love to buy it!

    • Well, phooey, Jo, someone else spoke for all four small paintings a few minutes before you. I just emailed you to say thanks, and that I can paint it again if you’d like. (I’ll probably paint it again regardless of your answer!)

  2. These are lovely! I would like to purchase the four 6-6″ paintings.

    Kristina Roper Graber

    • Kristina, they are yours! I emailed you also. . . sorry to have been too busy this morning to check my comments sooner.

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