April is the most beautiful month in Three Rivers and that includes my yard. Our yard. Trail Guy is great with the big stuff like heavy pruning, sprinkler systems, and power tools. I weed, plant stuff, and do girly pruning.
Ajuga grows in the shade and is a very low ground cover, except in April when it shoots up these blue spikes, which always show up purple in photos.Lilac smells fantastic.Fairy Lanterns are all over the hill on the backside of the property.Lovely lavender – I have several varieties, all blooming at once. Never can remember how to tell French from Spanish, but I know this one isn’t English.The blurry yellow blossom is a Jerusalem sage, about to grace us with its first flowers. The iris is a fantastic light periwinkle color, and that is rock rose in the background.Fiesta flower is wild and goes bonkers all down one side of the driveway each year.Rockrose!Rock rose shrubs get kind of huge-ish, but my girly-type pruning keeps them in check.Dutch Iris? Japanese Iris? Siberian Iris? Doesn’t matter – it is my FAVORITE.
The state flower, California poppies, always more orange than yellow when grown in a domestic yard.
P.S. I have one power tool, and when/if it starts, it is great. It is one of those “easy to use” rototillers called a Mantis. I call it other things when it won’t start. Sometimes I just use an old tool that Grandma gave me instead. She also gave me her love of flowers. Today is her birthday, but she isn’t counting birthdays in heaven.
Lupe, I can’t keep everything alive in my yard. As much has died as I have growing. . . always something out there eating my stuff when my back is turned. Thanks for checking in, and stop by to see things in person anytime!
Is there anything you can’t do ? Flowers are are lovely ?
Lupe, I can’t keep everything alive in my yard. As much has died as I have growing. . . always something out there eating my stuff when my back is turned. Thanks for checking in, and stop by to see things in person anytime!
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