After not painting for a month or two, I was stuck. The large unfinished oil painting of the oak tree just gathered dust, and it didn’t call to me. Painting Hume Lake shook something loose, meaning that it was fun and suddenly I wanted to paint more.

Now it needs to dry again. Meanwhile, that was so fun that I have begun a new one. This is a Just Because, a subject that I have never tackled before, a Why Not Try This decision.
All my gallivanting around California, taking photos, getting them printed, and never painting them because I don’t think I have a market for the various subjects, finally coming into use. Maybe. If it doesn’t sell or no one likes it, it might become another Mineral King painting.
Your tree reminds me of the combo of rocks and oaks at the top of the W hill — or what we used to call that prominent hill in Woodlake when it had the big W on it. I climbed to the W many times, only made it to the top of the hill once. It was straight up! I recall resting there with my BFF Karen and some boys from our class. We had a good and open discussion about adolescent bodies and feelings. An important day!
Joyce, so glad to have sparked a good memory for you! This oak is on the Yokohl Valley Road. Probably the same elevation as the W.
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