The scaffolding is really really high and can’t get moved closer to the wall yet, and we have to figure out how to fill the blank 9 feet on the left end. See what I mean? So when you can’t do a thing the way you had planned, you make a new plan! (Well, I do, anyway!) So today I practiced moving the scaffolding, climbed up and down a few times (but not to the top – there’s nothing to hold onto up there so I have to ease into this!), and tinkered around with some ideas for that space. Then I decided to do a little painting to get the feel of the plastered surface.
This is really big in real life, but not so big compared to the wall. People stopped by the whole time to say hi, offer the use of their adjacent businesses for breaks or storing stuff, offer encouragement and ask questions. Sometimes they would say “That is the biggest mural yet!” I’d have to tell them not to say that outloud or I might get scared. Right now I am just amped up!! See how small today’s work is in comparison with the wall??
It was really hot working there today! Really really hot! Now that’s incentive to get ‘er dun before summer comes!
This is so exciting. I’m hoping to get there to see you working on the 12th.
WOW! Way to think big, Jana! You just keep on setting your goals higher and higher! I wish I could have been there to help out!
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