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Hard House

After Christmas I will show you all the commissions that have to remain a secret until the gifts have been given from my customers to their people.

Having met the tight deadlines of all the custom art, I returned to the paintings without deadlines. Remember the house painting?

So hard. So very hard. The photos. Yikes. (Would I like some cheese with that whine? perhaps – what have you got?)

Okay, put on your big girl breeches and git ‘er dun.

I sent this photo to the customer to tell her this is the best I can dig out of the photos and when it dries a bit, I’ll tighten up some of the detail.

She said, “Perfect!” (really??) and sent me this photo:

Umm, what?

There is a basket of fuschias hanging behind the people. I told her that I can’t tell where this is, and she answered, “The porch”. I said where on the porch? She sent me this and said, “Where I put the white spots”. 

I enjoy communicating with my customers in a variety of creative ways. Really makes me smile!

When it dries, I’ll add the fuschia baskets and tighten up what detail I can see. I think the floor of the porch is brick rather than concrete, so that will need to be changed. There was a tree in the front lawn, but it would hide the gable end if I added it. I’ll make better leaves on the front shrub, brighten the grass, make the porch pillars better, and the window frames too.

I wish she had asked for a pencil drawing.

So, I worked on something fun in order to take the edge off. I’ll show you tomorrow.

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