To get to the area of the Empire Mines, it is best to leave early in the morning. The lower part of the Sawtooth/Timber Gap trail is HOT and STEEP; with its exposure, morning is the only sensible time to walk it. We met our friends at 8:30 on the bridge, which is early in Mineral King.
Those trees are Timber Gap.The tram tender’s cabin ruins are visible from the trail just before leaving the trees (one more switchback to go!)Jessica was on duty – making visitor contact, learning about trails, answering questions – she is an expert and a joy to hike with! This father/son team was hiking from Lone Pine (below Mt. Whitney) to Yosemite. Yes, you probably do have a car, but on foot is the another valid form of transportation. What happened to this tree?? Inquiring minds need to know.Trail Guy found the remains of a cabin near Timber Gap. One reason for our hike was to show the area Archeologist.The Archeologist has very specific rules, tools and methods.The Ranger surveys her territory.This Foxtail was another reason for our hike.In case you can’t read the faint writing scratched in at the bottom, it says “10-19-67”. Largest Foxtail Pine on the ridge? In Mineral King? In Sequoia? In California? In the whole world?? It measured 25′-27″ around, probably bigger than in 1967.The top splits into three, a Biblical tree, perhaps?Our plans were thwarted by the threatening sky, and although 3 of us made it to the bunkhouse ruins below the Empire Mines, it was a hasty visit. We got a little bit wet, but no one melted.
I so enjoy exploring Mineral King with you and Trail Guy. And I am not even sore the next day! Thanks
Happy to provide you with weekly pain-and-sweat-free workouts, Nancy!
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