This post is instructional for you, my fine quiet readers, who may want to comment on the blog but don’t know how. It’s really easy. And, all blog entries by a California artist should show some art, or a photo of California, doncha think?? Here is one for you before I get into the instructions.

If you would like to comment on my blog (and I’d love to hear from you!), it is really really easy. Really! Click on “No Responses Yet” or “Three Responses So Far” or whatever it says in blue at the bottom of this post. You will get a box that you can type in. Say whatever is on your mind about the post or respond to another commenter.
If you have no email and it asks for one, use mine. (Really!) It is cabinart at cabinart dot net. (I wrote it out that way because smart internet people say not to put it in one’s blog using the normal method.)
The first time you comment, I will get an email allowing me to approve or delete it. I can also fix the typos, which I ALWAYS do. (the Typo Psycho – that’s me!)
Don’t put in personal messages to me about when you are going on vacation and leaving your house empty for all the bad guys on the internet to see. If I think you revealed too much in a comment, I will delete the personal stuff because I am looking out for you.
P.S. It isn’t hard to learn new things. I just learned that the earphones from an iPod work with my MacBook and now I can listen to tunes or podcasts without using the speakers!
Hi Jana,
My daughter, Jennifer, had a lesson with you recently. She really enjoyed it.
As we were leaving MK and SC last week, I purchased your Bridge and Vandever pieces. They are lovely. Just wanted you to know. I’ll keep track of your other pictures to see what might be available next year as I would like some additional favorite spots depicted on canvas.
Linda Avery
(Cabin #23, WMK)
Linda, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jenna. And how exciting that you bought 2 paintings – the store has been selling very steadily for me this summer but I rarely find out who the customers are. Thank you for letting me know!
Mmm, fully caffeinated, and just regular. Mochas are good too. At home: fresh-brewed black coffee, no extras.
Hmm, that chicory must be the cowboy coffee I hear about. From the roots?
Once I paint my kitchen, I look forward to framing and hanging your two prints you mailed me. I’ll send you a photo once I do, but it will take a while.
I wish you were nearer to talk over coffee too. 🙂
Jennifer Dougan
Good to know, Jennifer, that you can drink black coffee. 😎 And I too am wondering about which part of the chicory goes into coffee. Around here, “cowboy coffee” is made over an open fire in an old fashioned coffee pot. The grounds are thrown in with the water and then it is boiled to death. Hard to believe, but it actually tastes good!
Your tip worked! Also, I have heard that it is the chicory used in coffee (some part of it, not sure if it is root or leaf), but have never verified it.
Becky C.
Yea, Becky! Welcome to Commentland on my blog! And thank you for following up to let me know if I was instructing you properly. And thank you again for the chicory tip(s). I’m now curious about what chicory tastes like – good thing I didn’t know this while on the road trip or I might have been caught chewing on road-side weeds.
Melissa, I wondered the same thing about the chicory! And isn’t this instant online communication just magical? I’m still in awe over a fax machine. . . Once a dork, always a dork.
One of the miracles in my life is that I finally do know how to reply to a blog/email etc… Thanks to my children! Is the above chicory what they sometimes use in coffee?? Hugs!
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