Last night was my presentation “How To Draw” at CACHE, the gallery and museum in Exeter. This was more of a talk than a demo, about a subject upon which I could bloviate for hours. Alas, it was just one hour, 6:30-7:30, because I know people’s attention spans are limited. Besides, I was missing dinner.
There were about 20 men, women, and children, all attentive and interested. I told brief stories, showed examples, explained the steps I use to draw, explained tools I used, and handed out one exercise for people to try. Everyone drew! I love helping people draw, and I think everyone had fun. Nope, I know everyone had fun!
The funniest moment was when I was standing behind a couple of participants, looking at their work, getting ready to advise on a small matter or two, when I felt something weird. Twice. I said, “Hey Dwight, something just dripped on my head!” Dwight is the president of the gallery board, and he quickly moved to the end of the room and climbed a ladder to the roof! Charlie is a board member, and he was right on Dwight’s tail. (They both got some drawing done in spite of the disruption.)
THANK YOU! I truly felt useful last night.
P.S. It was free. If anyone asked about how to pay me, and one did, I said to donate to CACHE. If you were there and are wondering the same thing, donate to CACHE. (Something has changed on my website AGAIN, and I cannot find the tool to make the link to CACHE be clickable in this post.


Lower Dry Creek Road, 12×16, SOLD
I truly enjoyed your talk last night. I learned quite a bit. And you were very helpful about useful tools for drawing. I can use some of those ideas for Christmas gifts for my sister. And most of all thank you from the bottom of my heart for that beautiful gift you gave everyone. I was overwhelmed. You are a sweet, loving and generous person, and it is my honor to know you.
Aw shucks, thank you, Cherri! It was a real pleasure to share something I care so much about with so many attentive people. I’m really glad it was helpful to you. Remember Polychromos colored pencils, made by Faber Castell, the largest set you can afford, but 12 can be enough if she layers and blends her colors on the paper. And send her to the CPSA website —Colored Pencil Society of America. OH! And check out my friend Carrie Lewis’s website, super helpful about colored pencils.
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