Fifteen “Why” Questions

For awhile I had a link in these emails of my daily blog post to take you to the site on the internet so you could see the photos. Now there is some tomfoolery happening with my blog, so I am not putting the link in until it gets sorted out. If you would like to see the pictures, go to jana botkin dot net (written this way to confound the evil robots who are messing things up.)

Today’s post is question after question, interspersed with photos of flowers to take the edge off of all the unsolved mysteries of life.

  1. Why do website hackers use evil robots to mess with my little bitty nothing-burger site??
  2. Why do young people drive fast when (in theory) they have lots of time left?
  3. Why do old people drive slow, when for them the clock is running down quickly?
  4. Why is Microsoft Word so hard to use, with very unhelpful “help”, and the people in the forums to help don’t read the questions but just slam out a non-answer?
  5. Maybe the real question is this: why is Microsoft Word so popular when it is so difficult*?
  6. Why is the food truck for Quesedilla Gorilla in Three Rivers gone?
  7. Why is “gorilla” such a popular word in marketing: Quesedilla Gorilla, gorilla tape, gorilla glue…?
  8. Why is it that the more ways there are to communicate, the harder it is to get answers to questions?
  9. Why do charities waste so much money on printing and mailing solicitations for money to the people who already support them?
  10. Why do people spend so much money on bottled water when we have the cleanest tap water in the world?
  11. Why were we pushed to use plastic bags in grocery stores when paper comes from a renewable resource?
  12. Why do companies discontinue products without having a replacement ready to go or to recommend?
  13. Why am I not doing the Redbud Festival this year?
  14. Why didn’t CACHE get the grant?? No one could possibly have worked harder, done more research, been more careful about how it was worded than our most excellent board president.
  15. Why do I have to restart my computer in order for Airdrop to work? Every day, day after day, restart, restart, restart.

Today I have questions. Tomorrow, I hope to have a few answers, but most likely not for any of these questions.

*I want endnotes to start renumbering with each chapter, not run consecutively throughout the entire book I am working on. . . some Know-it-all on the Microsoft Forum answered my query with this: “The thing is that for many people Roman numerals become a challenge once they get above iii. This does include highly-educated academics.” Excuse me?? 

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