Do you ever surprise yourself with forgetfulness?
Last week I did a little painting of a California poppy. After it was finished, signed, photographed, varnished and dry, I added it to the growing stack of little paintings. (An artist who sells needs to keep up her inventory.)
Well, oops. Guess I already painted that poppy and forgot. SOMEONE needs a better filing system for her photos. Check this out:

Do you prefer the softer colors of the upper poppy or the stronger ones of the lower painting?
Another vote for the lower one. It “pops” off the background more.
Thank you, Marcia! You are in good company – not a single person has emailed me or commented in favor of the pale version. I’ve strengthened the small one and will photo it to show you all, perhaps next week.
I like the lower one better too. It looks crisper and sharper.
Diane and Cheryl, I agree with you! But, I thought it would be interesting to see if it was just me, or if the lower one truly is better. I may just do another darker layer over the lighter one. . . but then, I might have to change my name to “xerox”. 😎
Me too –
I like the stronger colors of the second one — so pretty!
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