As an adult, I made some decisions about things that I no longer had to do because I was now the boss of my life, not traditions or shoulds. It evolved into an ever changing list, one that I thought you might enjoy.
Life is too short to:
- dry dishes
- iron jeans
- wait in line at a restaurant when my food at home is just as good and it is quieter there
- wait in a doctor’s office for hours. Instead, ask how far behind he is and go for a walk, do an errand, sit in the car and knit or listen to the radio
- read boring books
- watch movies about war, violence, adultery, or other difficult topics
- wash my car before driving to Mineral King all summer
- thoroughly clean the house every week – Instead, I just keep it picked up, stay current with the kitchen and bathroom, hang up clothes and make the bed, vacuum the main places often, and get on with living.
What’s on your list?
Life is too short for:
having relationships with mean, evil people/family/friends. Don’t do it!
not taking time to read a good book
not helping elderly people who obviously need help. Don’t forget them!!!
worrying if my mother shows up and my bed is not made
Love Anne’s “gardening is painting with plants”., ditto for me!!
Excellent list, Melissa, and you live it well.
I haven’t worn a bra since I was 15 and came to terms with the realization i would never have anything to put in it. I brush my hair once each day, usually. Beer is better to drink than water, but wine is best. I prefer my own company to that of bores, whiners or the condescending.
Char, you are one of the most practical, straightforward people that I have the pleasure of knowing! Thank you for checking in – always good to hear from you.
1. Let the air do it!
2. Why would anyone do that?
3. “Home cooking is highly over-rated” ( said a bachelor friend of mine).
4. I always bring a crochet project, and usually can get a lot done.
5. Or listen to icky weird music!
6. I stick to RomComs. “Sleepless in Seattle” is a good one. Or silly slapstick like any of the Marx Bros. movies.
7. After. Always after!
8. That’s the one indulgence I pay for–a cleaning crew semi-monthly.
And I’ll add a couple:
9. deal with the ignorant and clueless on social media. Still working on this one.
10. Keep friends who are toxic and detrimental to my spiritual sanity. There’s nothing wrong with having friends who challenge your thinking, but a constant bombardment of negativity is neither healthy nor profitable.
How did I do?
No grades, Sharon, but I thoroughly enjoyed your list! (And I don’t wash my car after either, because after Mineral King comes fall rains).
I love the wise, positive, encouraging, and cheerful banter in the comments on my blog. It is the opposite of the junk in your #9. People are nasty horrible in so many online forums that it shocks me whenever I accidentally read their interactions.
Life is too short to:
1. Color my hair
2. Get my nails done (I never have done either of these anyway!)
3. Wear an underwire bra, though I probably should
4. Worry too much about what other people think
5. Fight battles over small issues
6. Put off doing things I want to do because other things are too “pressing”
Marjie, I KNEW I liked you! I agree with you on all 6 of these!
Marjie, your list is stellar! I’ve never done your first or second item, but the rest–yes!
I had my hair colored a couple of times when our new water system turned it green, but always thought that didn’t count!
And I’ve had my nails done but refused any polish back when I did some print signings about 100 years ago. Did that count?
The first cup of coffee is always the best
Gardening is painting with plants
There’s nothing wrong with a midday nap with two fluffy dogs
Good health really is a gift
Your ministry is right where you are
Listening is underrated
Life is almost always plan B
Just because something is easy for you – doesn’t diminish its value
Anne, these are so wise (although I’d switch out the dogs for a cat or three). Your last one is terrific food for thought – it is a new idea to me.
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