Three things happened in drawing lessons last week that made me smile or laugh. Maybe they will also affect you thus.
- A drawing student finished this picture.

2. A drawing student said to me, “I can’t stand to draw”. I was horrified, until I realized that she meant she could no longer stand up while drawing because her feet hurt more while standing than her back hurts while sitting. We laughed for awhile on that one.
3. A drawing student brought me a present.

I wonder if someone in my family’s history invented the DIXON Ticonderoga #2 HB pencil??
Sharon, what an interesting thought! I know several unrelated Dixons, and haven’t had a one mention pencils yet. Maybe I’ll look up that part of pencil history in my pencil history book and get back to you. (No promises or deadlines)
I always wondered about the Dixon-Hart market, as well. But they never offered me any freebies, so . . . !
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