I’ve spent more time in Mineral King than home working in August so the subject needs Friday as well as Monday next week.
Mineral King’s wildflowers peak in July, but there are still beautiful sights in August.

This girl can step out, even wearing a backpack that probably tops 45 lbs. I had to focus to stay on her 6, carrying my 4 lb. day pack. How embarrassing. When we got to the Trail Junction (affectionately known as the “Wildflower Cafe”), we had a snack, and then I announced that I had gone as far as I wanted to go.
I came to see some Explorer’s Gentian, and they did not disappoint.
They make the Sierra Gentian look boring by contrast. (Or perhaps my photos do that.)

Eight was enough miles for the day. We got back to the cabin before the sky opened up, and I got more knitting done. (Our friend probably was at her destination, hunkered down in her tent.)

Always love seeing your wildflowers, Jana. And eight miles sounds like quite a workout to me! 🙂
Cheryl, when I walk with a fit 41 year old who is carrying 40+ pounds and am tired after 4 miles, I feel like a wimp! When I think about walking 8 miles, 1/2 of it uphill, all of it at elevation, I feel okay about myself at age 58!! Thanks for checking in.
Wonderful, Jana.Scrolling through your day, I almost felt as if I were there with you.The beauty never really changes!
Louise, I’m glad to hear you were able to enjoy my wildflowers with me via the technology that makes us both nutso!
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