I’m not sure how these 4 items on this list are slightly related other than they pertain to Three Rivers, sort of.
This is my 8th blogiversary!!
- I sent an email to the people who have bought or expressed an interest in my work during the past year or so to ask if they’d like to be on my mailing list. Occasionally I sent an email telling of new things or shows or just to say hey. If you would like to be on that list, leave a comment below or email me using the contact button beneath About The Artist in the menu above.
- The coloring books are here! You can order from this link: Heart of the Hills. If you order using this link and Paypal, please send me an email with your mailing address because Paypal always tells me “no shipping information available” or some such baloney.
Look at these heart seeking students from Westmont College in Santa Barbara. Who would think that about-to-graduate seniors would be so interested in a coloring book?? Lovely group of folks, and I was very honored to have them stop by my studio.
- Have a look at some spring photos around our place in Three Rivers because it is beautiful, and because Trail Guy was Builder Guy for me this week.
This is in my herb garden, where I think of stuff and Builder Guy makes it for me. Don’t you wish you had a cute hanging thing like this? Don’t you wish you had an herb garden? Don’t you wish you had a Builder Guy in your life? Don’t you wish I’d shut up and just show you the photos?
Congrats on your 8th blogiversary, Jana! Time sure flies, doesn’t it? Hope you are doing well and enjoying a beautiful spring!
Cheryl, I still remember the excitement when my web designer told me I needed a blog and set me up to write my first post. Suddenly I KNEW I had found the best way to tell my stories of art and life. Words and pictures together – a most totally excellent method of communication.
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