Does this title please you as much as it does me? Heheheh. (That’s me snickering).
After having a wonderful reunion with wonderful friends in a wonderful place (is Lawrence Welk around here somewhere??), I wanted to commemorate our time together. As a Central California artist, art seemed like the right choice.
(We went to Shaver Lake. I wrote about it on Tuesday.)
I painted 5 Little Shavers. See?

Our hostess got the big oil painting of Shaver Lake (can’t call that a “little shaver”.)

This is actually Tunnel Creek, which comes into Shaver Lake via a tunnel from Huntington Lake, I think. Hence, “Tunnel” Creek. We are clever like that here in California’s flyover country.
I love the little Shavers! Totally adorable, wish I was as talented as you! Thank you so much Jana!!
Melissa, you are most totally welcome. 😎
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