Wow. Mineral King on Memorial Day weekend has a reputation for being cold. It was 27 degrees much of the time. I’m not making this up. Here, see eleven photos with an occasional comment. (What? you expected me not to have an opinion??)
Loved the backpacks collecting sunshine beneath the flag. We always fly the flag when we are at the cabin. It is a Mineral King tradition, and we are just following suit, because, well, lots of reasons.
The sunshine was short lived. It turned to rain. Very cold rain.
The next morning I looked out the window at this view. “Hey Honey, you going riding?”
“Uh, no, gotta find some firewood so we can keep warm and make coffee.”
“Okay, I’ll just stay inside and look out the window and load up the wood stove and the fireplace and take photos out of the window and dream of summer.”
I did take a brief walk. Very brief.
That’s Retired Road Guy and Cowboy Bert
Then the sun came out and it was still cold!
Sunshine on my flag!
Did you spend Memorial Day weekend in a memorable manner with a flag?