A dear friend told me that she really enjoys my blog posts when I write about thoughts. Here, this is what she said:
Maybe it’s because I’m a worker of words, but I really enjoy your entries that describe your central valley world, your life in it, and your feelings. The reader responses you receive indicate many others do too. I believe getting to know the artist who produces beautiful views of the world beyond our human angst and cultural foibles is an important part of any sale, and I hope you keep posting such thoughts often! I can see them in a book of your own some day. 🙂
Wow. That was thought-provoking, encouraging, and as always from this friend, very kind.

Late one night I had a mental list of ideas to write about. Instead of writing, I went to bed. Now my head is empty, so let’s just have some photographs today with a little commentary.

Both cats came from the same place; well, more accurately, Jackson’s mother came from the same place as Perkins.

Okay, maybe I’ll just sit here for a pair of minutes and see if any of those great late-night thoughts reassert themselves.

Guess not.
Hmm, Jana…I wrote that suggestion to you knowing you almost never post responses on your site! So I was at first chagrined, then started to smile as you made it clear in what followed that you are still the artist, not the writer, still our down-to-earth Jana we love and look forward to refreshing our days with beauty and comments we all can relate to in our own lives!
Louise, teeheehee, I wondered if you would recognize yourself. I actually have taken your comment seriously and plan to post a few “articles” about various topics that are stacking up in my mind. Besides, I’ve been so busy editing someone’s book (two books, actually) that there isn’t any art to show these days.
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