Mentally at the Beach

I’m not much good in town, but if the town is on a beach, I’ll cope with it just fine. These paintings were done from photos taken around Monterey, but I am simply titling them Pacific Ocean I, II, and III, with hopes for IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX in the near future.

Pacific Ocean I, 5×7″, oil on gessobord, $75 (plus tax—sorry, we are in California)
Pacific Ocean II, 5×7″, oil on gessobord, $75 (plus tax)
Pacific Ocean III, 5×7″, oil on gessobord, $75 (plus tax—is there an echo around here?)

Email, call, write me a note, or tell me in the comments if you would like to buy one of these paintings. (They look better in person, as you probably already know.)

We can pretend they are in Pismo, Cayucos, or any other spot along the Pacific Ocean that floats your boat.

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  1. Our local library highlights a different local artist every month. Years and years ago – when we really didn’t have enough money to buy original art! – we saw a painting we just fell in love with. We purchased that painting and it now hangs in our house and I treasure it so much. It was of an ocean with waves. I still absolutely adore it. We liked it so much we bought two more paintings from the artist. A fishing boat and a black-and-white ocean scene. There is something so mesmerizing about the ocean and I love how well it translates to canvas as well.
    These are stunning paintings. (My favourite is the middle one – so we all have different favourites which is so fun. Though I really do love them all. Beach paintings are my absolute favourite. Followed by pictures of paths through the woods in fall!)

    • Thank you, Elisabeth, for telling me about your first painting purchase. Thank you too for your kind words about my beach paintings—it is fun that there was no clear favorite. I found the same thing among my drawing students when I took the paintings to show them. I’m with you on beaches and paths into the woods being the most appealing, although bridges and doors also hold great appeal for me.

  2. My favorite is the bottom one. The sea gull creates interest, and you captured the color of the sky perfectly (having been there many times)! Is that from pollution? Don’t think about that–just enjoy the beautiful sea hues!

    • Sharon, I think that the sky color is from the perpetual fog off the shoreline, because I saw zero air pollution while there. I’m glad you favor the bottom one because I was unsure about it. My favorite is the top one, those blues and greens. . . ahhhh.

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