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Mineral King: Clear in the Morning, Smoky Later

With the Coffeepot Fire about 10-15 miles down the road from the Mineral King valley, the smoke blows up each day, anywhere from 9:30 until noon. Sometimes it clears up a bit in the afternoon or early evening, then it blows back down the canyon at night.

Trail Guy took these clear morning photos for us so that we won’t completely despair of ever seeing the beauty of Mineral King again.

(The occasional weird spots in the sky are due to some malfunction in his camera.)

Then, the smoke arrived.

This happened almost daily the week before Labor Day and during the weekend of uncertainty.

Tomorrow we will return to our regular broadcasting topics.

1 Comment

  1. And now we sit and wait for word that the Coffee Pot Fire is out (or at least controlled enough) so some of us can head back up the mountain for The Last Hurrah before the Fall season.

What do you think?