After a harrowing intense drive, an hour longer than normal, we made it to Mineral King. It was smoky when we arrived, not worth any photos.
We gathered with neighbors in the early evening to share snacks, stories, and speculations on what the uncertain weekend might hold for us.

One member of our little group was more tickled by her sparkly cowgirl boots than interested in adult conversation.

The next morning, she requested that someone accompany her to the pack station so she could greet the mules, and perhaps even feed them a few carrots, pilfered from the previous evening’s snack trays. We were all early risers, because that is when the air was cleared out from the night’s down-canyon breezes.
Trail Guy willingly postponed breakfast to accompany our little friend.

There was a brief stop to admire the grouse.

Trail Guy ended up doing the carrot-feeding, since the little cowgirl was a bit intimidated by the eagerness of the stock.

They returned to the cabins so that Trail Guy could have his postponed breakfast, but Hiking Buddy and I headed toward Franklin Falls. We were NOT recreating—it was strictly for health purposes. I was testing my numb feet to see if they could carry me 4 miles on a trail. And it was ENTIRELY NECESSARY to scrub out our lungs with some clean air.

Made it 2 miles; could I make it back? Let’s not worry about that just yet.

Wait! What is this?? It’s Dylan on Emmy, leading his string out of the backcountry after resupplying a trail crew.

In case you didn’t know, if you encounter stock while on a trail, move BELOW them off the trail.

We crossed Crystal Creek on the way back to the cabins, and this time I just walked straight through. We knew time was of the essence, because the smoke was working its way back up into the Mineral King valley.

One last look at the beautiful Emmy at the pack station, with the faithful plainer-looking but still handsome Chuck behind.

We had a smoky afternoon and evening to get through. I’ll tell and show you more tomorrow as we continue our tale of an uncertain weekend in Mineral King.