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Mineral King: Weekend of Uncertainty, Chapter 5

Our weekend of uncertainty in Mineral King began each day with clear skies, and hope that the clarity would remain for as long as possible.

We headed down the road for a walk one morning, not quite as early as hoped, and were also delayed by conversation with fellow cabin folks. Everyone was in that state of uncertainty, so there was much shared speculation, along with passing on whatever information we had gathered from various sources.

Oh boy, here comes the smoke.

Looks like a great year for currants, but I won’t be bothering with them this year (or ever again —view item 8 in the linked post for why not.)

I wonder if this cabin will get repaired before the road closes, or before winter sets in.

We crossed the bridge into Cold Springs Campground, doing a bit of horticultural investigating (NOT recreating).

I wonder if this is the same group of aspens that I photograph over and over.

This is definitely the same section of stream, named Iron Springs by my most faithful blog reader and commentator.

There is a hint of fall coming.

I am NOT recreating—I am REPORTING!! (Oops, where is my press pass??)

The next day—not evacuated, but escorted out, with the option to “shelter in place” for 48-72 hours. This was explained in Monday’s post but will be continued tomorrow (yes, I will post on Saturday —not certain whether to apologize or say “you’re welcome”).


  1. The Contractor in charge of repairs for the Wollenman cabin has supplies he is trying to get up to MK. Looks like he will have to wait a bit longer to get them up. So frustrating. The main ridge beam is now in place inside the cabin. That is the main support for the roof, so at least that was installed before the tiny fire became a 14k acre wildfire.

    • Oh, dear! I was wondering if Shorty & Crew would be able to finish before the evacuation. I guess not. 🙁 I hope the cabin at least can be dried in before winter sets in!

  2. That cabin repair (major stuff!) was supposed to be completed by Labor Day Weekend. I don’t know when you were reporting and horticulturing, but if it’s not done by now, I don’t know how they are going to winterize it. (I’m glad we don’t have to make that decision!)

    • Sharon, all last weekend. So, bummer, unless the road reopens and the weather stays nice.

  3. (“Iron Falls”).

    • Hi Guess Who. . . thank you for naming the falls. 😎

What do you think?