After wondering all weekend if we would be evacuated from Mineral King, a Park employee came by our cabins on Monday morning around 8, telling us to be at the Conifer gate (7.5 miles below our cabins) to be escorted out. If we didn’t want to go, that was fine, but then we’d be unable to leave for 48 to 72 hours. (They couldn’t make us go but they would be able to make us stay. . .?)
There were about 10 cars, including Park personnel, with someone at the front of the line and someone at the rear.

There was a meeting of the Silver City Mayor and the Mineral King Mayor, as they discussed and examined the locks on the Conifer Gate.

We headed down into thickening smoke. . .

. . . and were stopped at Wolverton Point. Another caravan was heading up the hill.

Lookout Point is a gathering place for vehicles. Initially it was built to look out for fires; now it is a place to look out at fires.

The mayors convened at the lower gate for another session of locks, while a Park person oversaw their negotiations.

It was a long weird smoky drive down. The good part is that we never had to wonder if we would encounter any vehicles coming up the road.
Tomorrow (yes, Sunday, I know. . .) I will share some photos of Mineral King, taken by Trail Guy to contrast the smoke with the clarity of the mornings.
I think I know who the Mayor of Mineral King is, but the Mayor of SC is . . David H.? I hope they can figure out the locks. I don’t suppose you know if the road will be opened before it’s closed for the winter at the end of October? Do you know how many people are “sheltering in place?”
I hope the stick(s) that holds up that giant boulder is still in place. Can’t be too careful!
What’s that red thing at the Potholes? Is it for filling water bladders or something?
And smoke. So much smoke! Ugh. I don’t think I would want to go up even if allowed to. My eyes and lungs would hurt. Although from your past blog posts it looks like the smoke doesn’t make it up into the valley until later in the afternoon.
Stay safe!
Yes, Mayor Hopper of Silver City. They put a new lock on the lower gate because apparently the old one was too difficult for some people. Just the usual. . .
I can guess about how many people are stuck up the hill but don’t have hard numbers.
The red thing is a above ground swimming pool, so to speak. It is a water source, but I don’t know how it gets filled.
There was a respite from smoke each morning in MK. It is clearish this morning in 3R.
I heard the lock was “compromised” (read: “vandalized”). Again. But it sure would be nice to have a lock that is secure, hard to break, yet easy to work. If such a thing exists!
The Silver City Resort will open back up as soon as the road is open. They have reservations from folks who rescheduled their time at the SC Resort.
The last two days have been clear and beautiful, per Jeff who rides his bike to MK each day from SC. It did sprinkle a tiny bit yesterday:)
Jeff Davis( SC), SC resort staff, Dan Voelz, Ranger Mary are still up in the mtns:) My hubbie ate his last avocado and mushrooms yesterday. So he will be glad for more provisions.
Thank you, Melissa. I figured if anybody would shelter in place it would be Larry and Mary Cochran! And Dan Voelz, of course.
I’m happy to know Silver City Resort will open as soon as they can for the fall season. As soon as I know that the road is open again, I will pass the word on social media.
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