I googled “middle-aged bloggers” and found several. One site posted an invitation for middle-aged bloggers to comment and put their site links in the comments, so I clicked through and read some of them. They are sort of boring. Lots of talk about why they started blogging, talk about their grandchildren, their new lives with their husbands gone, new grandchildren, new phases of life with new retirement, and clothing and hair color. Lots and lots of talk about staying young, dressing well, finding your style, whether or not to color your hair, staying positive. . . boring.
Scared me. Am I that boring? Why do they have so many subscribers and comments when they are boring? Why do I not when I am so witty, original, clever and entertaining? (Oh, and humble about my bloggery skills too. . .)
Life’s not fair. (My dad used to ask the rhetorical question, “Who said life has to be fair?” I once said this to a friend, and she replied, “I don’t know; was it Benjamin Franklin?”)
Several acquaintances and a few friends have expressed a desire to blog, and then nothing happens. They think I am “a-MAY-zing” for blogging so often, so consistently, so long. Well, they already have jobs; this is part of mine.
Because I am producing things that no one needs in a county where art is a definite luxury, because I am not on Facebook or Twitter or any of those instant and constant connected things, because I work in isolation and do not have a public studio, because there are only a small handful of galleries around here (and all are non-profit and run by volunteers who are not motivated by sales), because I choose to focus on Tulare County, I MUST do something public. Blogging is that something, and it suits me.
Many bloggers are now producing podcasts. I won’t say “never”, but I will say “probably never”. This is a trend, and I am too busy painting, drawing, teaching, figuring out various methods of marketing, doing shows and open studios and demonstrations and workshops, and of course, blogging.
I’ve got to keep being me, because all the other roles are already taken. I have too much to say, too much to show, too much to explain, too many thoughts about being a full time, self-employed artist in a poor, uneducated, rural county.
After all that, you deserve a treat. How about a nice cup of tea?

I really love the colored pencil!
Thank you, Gina. Colored pencil is so very very slow to achieve and it wore out my wrist. Plus, I couldn’t sell it for a price that made sense for the amount of time involved.
Jana, I couldn’t agree with you more. I am older, however, I do not talk or even want to think about mundane things!! I think about painting, how I change to keep fresh, research, and now that I am in new territory in Savannah GA. very different than the prairie for landscapes. For now have to find out where to show my work, meet artists who think about art and take action! There is only so much TIME in my stay on this earth, and there is so much to be interested in. I stay away from those interested in only silly talk or things. I do love to write, so I keep a journal, of my thoughts about what I have painted. I would probably be a good blogger then, but for now I must concentrate on those items mentioned . I just finished a really nice pink Japanese Magnolia. I am still getting settled here as I have been only since Nov. You have a very interesting way of stating what you are thinking about, that is why I follow you. And your paintings are quite nice. I can see that eventually I will need to hire someone to help me with some online “how to”. I would like to sell other than galleries who take 50 to 40% of my labor.
I did find that photo of the beautiful blue iris. Your blog keeps track of when and what I answer to. Keep up your interesting blogging. Time is precious so I generally don’t do silly social media unless it is about art. Thank you Jana, Janet
Janet, you are kind, intelligent, articulate, and a wonderful addition to my Gentle Readers Who Comment. Thank you!
I enjoy your blog every day!!! It’s certainly not boring!!!
Thank you for that endorsement, Virginia! I wasn’t fishing, honestly. . . plus, if someone thinks my blog is boring, he won’t read it.
“Several acquaintances and a few friends have expressed a desire to blog, and then nothing happens. They think I am “a-MAY-zing” for blogging so often, so consistently, so long. Well, they already have jobs; this is part of mine.”
I’m afraid that’s me. Yes, I have a blog, because that was the Thing To Do before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, MySpace (MySpace??), LinkedIn, and others I can’t think of right now. But I don’t do much on it. So I admire you for sticking to it, and posting interesting and informative information and photos. This Gentle Reader enjoys every post!
Sharon, this Bloggess enjoys the Gentle Reader’s comments, interactions, suggestions, humor and interaction!
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