Remember the commissioned oil painting of Sawtooth? I do, really, I do. Please don’t worry, DV!

It was a rainy overcast day, and by the time I got to the Sawtooth part of the painting, the light was too poor to mix colors accurately. That wasn’t very important on the first layer, but it is increasingly important as the layers build.
So, I moved on to a Kaweah Post Office commission. SD asked me to paint another Kaweah Post Office IX for her. This one is number IXV. It should be XV, but I didn’t number one of my earlier Kaweah Post Office paintings. That happens a lot around here.

As I was painting, I realized it would be helpful to see the one this was modeled after, because maybe this wasn’t the actual photo used for that one. Yea for a laptop.

I bet SD is thrilled!
This should be number . . . 14? That would be XIIII. If it’s 16, it would be XVI. But that’s just me–going through life finding the unpicked nit.
Sharon, I was taught that when there are smaller #s on the left side, they are subtracted. So IXV means 15 – 1 = 14. But, I am happy to retitle this one XIII. Ask SD what she thinks, okay? 😎
That’s true, but only for “9” I believe. So 8 is VIII and 9 is IX. 28 would be XXVIII and 29 would be XXIX. And this year is MMXVIII.
We now conclude this lesson on Roman numerals. Now back to the pyramids!
Thank you, Sharon! I will rename it, if SD doesn’t mind a little strike-out in the writing on the back.
Nah, I don’t think SD will mind. She’s pretty laid back. Most of the time!
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