Week One of Operation Mineral King Painting Factory felt successful. 7 of the 11 paintings are completed (except for drying, scanning and varnishing), and it seems possible to complete the remaining 4 (3 are large-ish) and maybe even make tracks on the other 2 on stand-by, all next week. (Prolly not. . . that is overly ambitious, given the way life often intrudes on my work plans.)
This painting really wanted to be detailed, so I began on the left side.The right side is really looking sorry by contrast.This detailing took FOUR HOURS!! Good thing I like it. I like to draw, because I definitely “drew” with my paintbrushes, something frowned upon by The Big Boys and Girls of Art.
This painting was a challenge. It is a scene I haven’t painted before, the view at the upper end of the Nature Trail as you enter the cabin area.
This might be the best I can do with this one. Squishing a vertical scene into a square sort of works.This one is also new to me in terms of painting. It is the view from Timber Gap.This feels easy after working on the 6×18″ piece of a similar view.
I like this!This one needed a sky do-over. I think I last worked on it in low light. It is better, but this was photographed in low light, so hard to say.This one is finished, and is so fun to photograph in front of its larger brother.Why not photograph the new Sawtooth in front of the muralized one?And I think this one can be considered finished.
Some really amazing work. I feel I have seen Mineral King thru these paintings. Detailing was really cool.
Thank you, Dianne! So happy to share Mineral King with you without your having to endure the road.
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