This one sold!I like this one so much that if I saw it in a gallery, I’d probably buy it.This is an 11×14 of White Chief.When this is drier, I can add the flowers.Piper is easier to paint with than Samson was. He is calmer.This is Timber Gap, as seen from the trail nearing Crystal Creek, and that is Piper asleep under the easel.This is the trail leaving Monarch Lake.Those rocks along the sides of the trail are a time-consuming challenge. They don’t have to be exact, but they have to be believable, and there are so many. . .
At the end of last week, I had 4 more finished Mineral King oil paintings, a 6×18″ was sold, and the 2 paintings on hold were still just waiting their turns. Now it is time to count up again, evaluate by subject and size, and decide if I need to keep the factory producing more Mineral King oil paintings.
Really, truly, I just want to draw. I love to draw. Have I told you this?
P.S. Look out the window at the shingle siding on the studio!