Here are more of the unknown Mineral King wildflowers that have the author of Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names flummoxed. (That would be me, the author of this blog, AKA Central California Artist).
There was a ton of this. In spite of its ubiquity, I never did get a good photo.
What is this almost invisible (and impossible to photograph well) thing?
Too tiny to bother with? Must be, because they don’t appear in any of my wildflower books.
This might be the same thing that I said yesterday reminds me of goatheads.
What is this white? It reminds me of bushy leptosiphon, but it is too early.
Another difficult one to photograph. Are these unbloomed blooms? Or is this a “flower” of white knobs?
This was unopened and a little fuzzy. Furry, although the photo is a bit fuzzy.
These are sweet. They deserve to show up in someone’s flower book, but don’t in any of the ones I own.
These tempt me to say that all yellow flowers look alike.
Another tiny yellow unknown. Again, it resembles the yellow Violet, but the leaves just look wrong, and the location is unusual.
100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20 including tax. Available here Also available at the Three Rivers Historical Museum, Silver City Store, from me if I put them in my car, or Amazon.