Yeppers, I made up another word. It simply means that I was able to paint a few more days than expected and have more progress to show you on Mineral King oil paintings.More detail on the painting on the left, but more contemplation is needed before signing this.
What does Pippin think?Since Pippin didn’t offer any help, I added wildflowers to these two.
That was fun, so I did the same to the painting on the left.
Now let’s tackle this unusual arrangement of a usual subject matter, the Honeymoon Cabin in Mineral King, now a little museum. Well, actually right now it is boarded up for the winter. And let’s just paint it, not tackle it, hmmm?
This turned out really well, so when it is dry, I’ll photograph it minus the poor afternoon sunlight and sheen of wet paint so you can fully appreciate its specialness.
Pippin? Got anything to add here?
Guess not. He just adds cuteness to my life.
You know . . . that’s how words happen. Someone “makes up a word” and if it gets spread around and used enough, it becomes an official word!
It looks like Pippin is more interested in CATching some afternoon rays! And it’s our cats’ jobs to add cuteness to one’s life. That’s why we love ’em!
Sharon, you are right. I am learning this in reading “Word By Word” which is about how dictionaries get written. And Pippin is so adorable – thank you for agreeing.
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