This time I am showing you the complete paintings rather than allowing Blog Boss to squish them into various rectangles and squares that don’t fit.

This time I am showing you the complete paintings rather than allowing Blog Boss to squish them into various rectangles and squares that don’t fit.
Winners, all of ’em!
Thanks, Sharon! Apparently so, since they sold. But does that make the unsold paintings “losers”? This is a continual mental struggle and ongoing inner conversation. Unsolds push me to make them better, to keep polishing them, and occasionally to just paint them out. . . buy-bye, Loser!
That’s the “beauty” of being an artist, either aural or visual. Every creation is our “baby” and when people reject our creation it hurts, just a little. And try to not take it personally!
Hey I recognize one of those! Keep putting beauty out into the world please!
Wait, “the fake lake”? 😎 You are Mimi-in-the-mountains! Nice to hear from you—see you over at FG.
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