More Sold Oil Paintings

This time I am showing you the complete paintings rather than allowing Blog Boss to squish them into various rectangles and squares that don’t fit.

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  1. Winners, all of ’em!

    • Thanks, Sharon! Apparently so, since they sold. But does that make the unsold paintings “losers”? This is a continual mental struggle and ongoing inner conversation. Unsolds push me to make them better, to keep polishing them, and occasionally to just paint them out. . . buy-bye, Loser!

      • That’s the “beauty” of being an artist, either aural or visual. Every creation is our “baby” and when people reject our creation it hurts, just a little. And try to not take it personally!

  2. Hey I recognize one of those! Keep putting beauty out into the world please!

    • Wait, “the fake lake”? 😎 You are Mimi-in-the-mountains! Nice to hear from you—see you over at FG.

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