Another day of many many visitors. I am now dragging my brush because I don’t really want it to be over yet! I “helped” Dora with her computer for awhile (yeah, right) and spent some time just staring and adding a thing or two and dinking a bit here and there. Mr. Stroben and his wife came by. He offered a few suggestions, which I greatly appreciated. Tom D. came by and wanted to offer some last minute suggestions. I forced a brush into his hand and will show you his contribution to the mural! Mike M. came by to visit, and I was moaning about my stupid brushes and irritating acrylic paint that will not behave like pencils. He handed me 2 very tiny brushes that he happened to have with him! Isn’t that a hoot?! LJ came by and helped me understand the contours of the mountains underneath the plain white patches of snow so that I can add some depth to them. Shane stopped by and a learned a bit of history of Mineral King and the basic differences between the National Park and the National Forest services. Here are the photos from today:This probably doesn’t look any different to you, but it is new and improved. Part of the improvement was due to the extraordinary skill of emerging artist Tom D. Can you discern which 2 are his squiggles? (the color is terrible in this photo but is nice and green on the mural)
This may not look any different to you either, but I can assure you it too is new and improved (but not lemon scented). You need to see it in person to appreciate the detail. As usual in my art instruction history, Mr. Stroben was right. 😎