I knew today would be good when a man from Verizon drove up, got out and handed me a cup of coffee! Thank you, Mr. Verizon!! That was really really nice! It was a very busy morning at the mural – a social event, to be sure. Then, Betsy came by and wondered if perhaps she could photograph Farewell Gap for a tee-shirt. This would have been fine, except that there wasn’t quite enough finished picture around Farewell Gap. So, I had a bit of a painting emergency – a get-‘er-dun situation for sure. I painted like a crazy woman (shush, those of you out there making the obvious smart remark), she showed up at 2 as she said and I simply said, “Go away”. She came back awhile later with some mocha-frappa-cina-latta-calorie wonderful treat, and we proceeded to photograph the mural. She needed more photos than just Farewell Gap, so we had to move IT because of the shadow IT was casting. Turns out the wheels were a bit mired in the dirt of their respective potholes because IT hasn’t been moved or used for several weeks now. Then my car was in the way of IT and I couldn’t find my keys. Betsy said, “Put it in neutral”, so I did, and she pushed while I Fred-Flintstoned. Phew. Got all the photos, and found my keys later when time wasn’t so crunchy. (just another day at the office?)If you would like a tee shirt with this design on the back, they will be available soon!
Here is more of the full day’s work which included more detail in the White Chief bowl.
Look – what is this?? Just another spot on the truck where the splinters will be glued down, this time in dark green. It is a result of one of those hurrieder-behinder situations that involved scooping up wet paint with both hands.