My book

10 years ago, The Cabins of Mineral King was published by Jane Coughran and me. Last week I found one on eBay presented very very well (thank you, Whoever you were!). I bid on it, and didn’t win. The winner of the book paid $77! That makes me smile.  In a coming blog, I will tell you about the

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  1. Merry Christmas to you, Linda! The citrus growers in Exeter would not agree with you about the snow, so we’ll keep hoping for a good wet year that dumps plenty of snow in the mountains. And did you know that Togni-Branch closed last year? They are sorely missed in Tulare County.

  2. Sorry to disappoint you Joe, but the upcoming blog is about the book that happened 10 years ago. However, I am mulling over an idea for a new book!

  3. Can hardly wait to hear about the book !

    A new book, coming ?

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