My Favorite Bridge in Oil Paint, Chapter 4

I may have found a clue to the Oak Grove Bridge oil painting numbering problem. I was preparing for a show of oil paintings, and had several new paintings going at the same time. One was on a collapsible easel, and true to its nature, it collapsed and tore the painting on the table behind it. After feeling sick for awhile, I removed the canvas from its foundational frame and sewed it into a tote bag. 

Numbering problems continue – there is no #12 or #13, and I jump between Roman numerals and normal numerals (what are those called??)

When life hands you lemons (or torn paintings), make lemonade (or tote bags). The painting wasn’t finished, but no one cares.

Now back to the completed oil paintings of the Oak Grove Bridge. I started messing around with exaggerated colors in 2014.

Oak Grove Bridge #14, 11×14″, still in my bright experimental stage, 2015
Oak Grove Bridge XV, 6×6″, 2015
Oak Grove Bridge XVI, 11×14″, 2015
Oak Grove Bridge #17, 8×10″, 2016, back to brights again
Oak Grove Bridge XVIII, 8×10″, 2016

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  1. Love the tote bag! You are a clever one 🙂

    • Hi The Other Melinda – thank you for checking in! The totebag was a desperate attempt to keep from stabbing myself with my paintbrushes out of total OH NO HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THAT.

  2. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. are called Arabic numerals. and now you know . . . the rest of the story!

    Love your tote bag!

    • Arabic?? Arabic!! Weird. Thanks, Sharon!

      The tote bag is huge, and the painting on it is a little crackly and wrinkled because I lined the tote and it got really squished when I turned it. But, it is perfect for hauling books and knitting up and down the hill.

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