Because Day 1 of the neighborhood beautification project was packed so full of mural goodness, I split it into 2 posts. So Part 3 is actually only Day 2.

Here is a list of thoughts about painting this mural:
- I am quite happy about this mural. It’s been on my list to do for several years while I waited for an idea, an opportunity, and the right attitude.
- One more day ought to do the trick.
- I hid something in this mural.
- Two voices were warring in my head over all the other noises: one said, “What do you think you are doing, you faker?” and the other said, “Keep painting, chickie-babe, you’ll figure it out”.
- Why are kids so noisy? They are continually crying and yelling. (There is a day care nearby.)
- The equipment inside this building runs all day long, sounding like a dishwasher or washing machine.
- The noisiest vehicles in the neighborhood are the ones that drive back and forth, all day.
- Whole lotta barking dogs around here.
- People are very encouraging and complimentary.
- I didn’t post on Instagram or put the mural on the blog while I was working on it, because it is a gift for my neighborhood, not a publicity feat. (I don’t ever do the Facebook*.) It has been fun to just quietly do the thing and let people discover it on their own.
*”The Facebook” is said the same way I say “liberry”, “prolly”, “Mr. Google”, and “Remorial Building”. I’m not as dumb as I sound, in case you were worried. Thank you for your concern.
1 Comment
Your paintings are so realistic, the water from the river dribbled onto the concrete slab in front of the doors! (See picture #1)
What is this . . . “Where’s Waldo?” Or maybe in honor of tomorrow, “Where’s Elf on a Shelf?” I don’t even try because I never can find hidden things. I’ll wait for someone to spot it for me.
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family! He is born, the Divine Christ Child!
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