I may have estimated my time to be longer than anticipated for the new mural at the Three Rivers Museum.. Perhaps the customer will think I am over charging. Guess I’d better moan on and on about how difficult this is.
I left you hanging on this cliff yesterday. Moan, moan, this is sooo hard.Trying to match the terrain and not sure what to do with the lower edges, since I have no photo of a scene that no longer exists. I’ve sketched in the tower and the trunks of a few trees to see if we like the placement and the size.Let’s have a straight on view so you can appreciate the difficulty of this task.This is a photo of the top of Empire so I can see the configuration. If you show up in person, I can point to where the tram towers were. And these are my paint colors used so far. Doesn’t this look really difficult??Just bumbling along. At this stage, it seemed time to add the needles on the red firs. Did you know those were red firs? I bet you thought they were Sequoias. This is why I get paid The Big Bucks. . . I know this stuff.This is how the mural looked when I left for the day on Monday.No, THIS is how it looked when I left for the day. I hope it is how it looks when I return next.
All that moaning about difficulty was fake. This might be the easiest location I have ever painted in. Indoors, consistent temperature, consistent light, very few interruptions, no trucks roaring by, and much can be reached without even climbing on the ladders.
Let’s have another look at Samson. He’s waiting for me to get home from work.
That is gorgeous, Jana!! I can’t even wrap my brain around how you would even begin a painting like that. Samson is so cute!!
Thank you, Pam. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it is so much easier to paint murals than I ever expected it to be.
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