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New Paintings of Mineral King

After delivering oil paintings to the Silver City Resort (AKA Silver City Store), I looked at how many were left and realized that I needed more inventory. This is from the attitude that there will be sales, and they will be plentiful. My outlook stems from good sales last year, in spite of The Virus and The Fires.

Choosing subjects and matching them with sizes and shapes of canvases is always a bit of a guessing game. “A bit”, because obviously, if I have several of Sawtooth, no need to add more. Or if there are plenty of the Honeymoon Cabin, the Crowley cabin, or my favorite bridge (which is actually quite far from Mineral King itself but one cannot get to Mineral King without crossing the Oak Grove Bridge, unless one walks from another part of Sequoia, which is entirely a different topic of conversation for another crowd), then it is time to move into other less popular subjects. Those other subjects are just whimsy on my part. I flip through my photos, look at what has been painted and sold well in the past, look for new approaches to those subjects, and without lingering and overthinking, I make the choices in a real git-‘er-dun manner.

Let’s go!

It appears that I didn’t have enough of the Oak Grove Bridge or the Honeymoon Cabin yet. Maybe, maybe not. I can’t find my crystal ball. Can’t even remember if I ever had one.

What is this?? It is a painting of a juniper along the trail to White Chief. It was a good idea, but not good enough for someone to part with his hard-earned dollars. Thus, it will become something for someone else to part with her hard-earned dollars. (Here at Cabinart, we write an equal-opportunity pronoun blog, but we do not use the plural when referring to the singular, except for the royal “we”.)

As always, these early stages look atrocious. Fear not, Gentle Blog Reader, for your Central California artist will come through for you. After all. . .

. . .I use pencil, oil paint, and murals to make art you can understand, of places and things your love, for prices that won’t scare you.



  1. In our Mineral King Facebook Group, someone posted a photo of the Honeymoon Cabin looking toward Timber Gap. I don’t remember seeing any of your paintings covering this angle. Another idea, perhaps, to keep things fresh? If you would like me to track down that photo, let me know!
    Or, just Timber Gap? Maybe with the Disney Dump in the foreground? (Just tryin’ to help!)

    • Thanks, Sharon, I appreciate your looking out for me! I have photographed the Honeymoon Cabin from that direction several times, and it hasn’t struck me as remarkable or as better than the traditional angle. I have painted Timber Gap several times, last year as seen from the Franklin Farewell trail with flowers in the foreground. All the Timber Gap paintings are slow sellers.

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