Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names was published in March of 2019. Now in July of 2019, I am finding so many new wildflowers in Mineral King that I am just flummoxed. Flummoxed, I say! (Not sure what this means exactly, but it feels like the right word for my troubled state of mind.)
What is this yellow??
What is this white? Looks like Knotweed, but it’s in the wrong place.
HEY! Who are you? Sort of looks like the yellow Violet, but the leaves are wrong.
Is this a flower or is it just greenish-yellow leaves?
Looks like Naked Buckwheat, but it is too early and too white.
No idea. Maybe when it is in full bloom I will be able to find it in one of the flower books.
This low-growing yellow reminds me of goathead, the most wicked thorn in the Central Valley.
This is a flowering shrub at the Cold Springs Campground. I saw it last year while working on the book and just ignored it.
There are just too many for one post. To be continued tomorrow.
100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20 including tax. Available here Also available at the Three Rivers Historical Museum, Silver City Store, from me if I put them in my car, or Amazon.