1.Have you ever heard of a leucistic raccoon? I read about it on The Frugal Girl blog in the comments and had to look it up. Leucistic means an abnormal condition of reduced pigmentation affecting various animals (such as birds, mammals, and reptiles) that is marked by overall pale color or patches of reduced coloring”. (But why isn’t it albino??)
2. There is a website with all sorts of information about comfortable shoes for women, recommended according to one’s foot condition. Alas, Barking dogs shoes doesn’t mention neuropathy.
3. While we are on the topic of comfortable shoes, there is a brand I’ve never heard before of shoes with wide toe-boxes. (Have you ever wondered why we squish our toes to a point in shoes? What’s the point?) The brand is Bronax. (I’m still wearing Crocs.)
4. Never let cockleburs get into your hair. NEVER.
5. While wasting time on the internet, I stumbled across this little piece of wisdom. “When you desire, admire, don’t acquire.” It isn’t necessary to own things just because you like them. This is important for those of us who try to keep our possessions to a minimum. I am in that group, because the more I stuff I own, the more stuff breaks (and gets lost).
6. Straw sausages have a weird name: waddles wattles. (Thanks, JC!) (And thanks MB for correcting the spelling)

7. I drive a “three-peddle car“. This charming term came to me from a friend who loves cars, so I am now using it. (Thanks, JR!)

8. Theobot is Artificial Intelligence to describe art. I posted a drawing to it, and it came up with 4 paragraphs of flowery gobbledygook. This is one of the paragraphs, and the robot didn’t know to use the article “an” when a word begins with a vowel. It used the word “tranquil” twice in one sentence. (I won’t be using AI for a long time, if ever.) “The background features majestic mountains, their peaks lightly shrouded by clouds or mist, conveying a sense of elevation and the grandeur of a alpine wilderness. The careful shading and attention to detail throughout create a realistic and tranquil scene reminiscent of a tranquil wilderness escape.”
9. A blog reader (Hi Marlena!) told me that Jackson looks as if he might be a Savannah cat. This is a breed I’ve never heard of. I looked it up, and decided that no, more likely he has Bengal in him, because he looks like our former cat Samson. However, Samson was active and liked water, whereas Jackson is fat and grumpy and always hungry.

10. Just for fun, here is a list of about 100 things you can do to boost happiness in your life—The Emotion Machine.com
Shoes – Thanks for that name. I learned several years ago (after some expensively painful missteps) that Keene’s made a larger toe box.
Donna, I had great hopes in Keene, and they turned out to be the last time I attempted to wear real shoes. (Someone really scored on Keenes at the Goodwill after that. Sigh.) That’s when I decided to pursue a solution to the neuropathy. Here I am a year later, still seeking answers.
On #6, you’re two letters off—should be “wattles”.
Thank you, Marjie!! I should have verified after JC sent me “waddles”. Off to fix it now. . .
2.-3. “Comfortable shoes” means finding a simple flat I like, and keeping it for (literally) years. And then when wanting to replace this comfy pair, find the company has gone ka-put.
5. Purging is a life-long project. Ever and always!
7. Up to my current vehicle, all my cars have been “three-peddle cars.” I just became lazy in my old age!
8. “Mineral King is so tranquil, we used the adjective twice!”
10. You need to fix your link. Right now the link points to machine.com. But themotionmachine.com doesn’t work, and motionmachine.com is “under construction.” Maybe find the page and copy the URL?
Sharon, sometimes I buy two pairs of shoes that work because of that planned obsolescence scam.
I think some people who don’t (or can’t or won’t) purge are probably hoarders to some degree, but then there are those raised with the Depression Era mentality.
Honda stopped making 3 peddle Accords in December of 2019, or maybe sometime in 2020. Finding specifics is a little too time-consuming for me, because I am not actively seeking to replace Fernando, who passed 250,000 miles last week.
Love your assessment of the overusage of “tranquil”.
I fixed the link—Thank you!
My grandparents’ “Depression” generation was of the the “you might be able to use this” mentality. I’m more of the “my brother who died gave me this Christmas ornament and I can’t bear to throw it away” mentality. Nostalgia is a powerful motivator to keep (hoard) stuff. That’s why those Tiny House programs fascinate me. How could I get rid of the solid maple desk owned by my grandparents? Or the antique mahogany TV cabinet? Or the rocking chair my grandmother used to cradle my mother? Or, or, or. . . .
I’m with you on the sentimental angle, Sharon.
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